CL got himself a pair of roller blades, so to have regular exercise. The gals showed interest and he arranged for a 4 sessions roller blading course for all of us! At my age trying to roller blade seems scary. I have the feeling that I will end up breaking my bones >_<.
We just have our first lesson today and it wasn't scary as I have imagined. The coach is patient and he knows how to talk to the kids. That's a great start!
We started off with the importance of safety gears. Then coach taught us how to fall without hurting ourselves, that is to fall forward not backwards. Followed by being able to stand up, march and turn 1 round on the spot. Next he then got us to walk out from the mat we were standing on.
The 4 of us have varied starting point. CL is able to balance and move off but need certain tips here and there. Xc is old enough to listen to instructions and no problem following them. She kept practicing and determined to do it well For Ye, she's of a younger age, thus needing more time and a different approach in teaching her. She was too eager, wanting to be able to blade. So she took too big steps but it was actually not good. Coach guided her and explained that she needs to take small steps instead. For myself, I need lots of time to get started. Mainly to overcome my fear and making my first steps. I kept telling myself I should try and not give up. Thru these sessions not only I hope my gals can have fun and exercise, I also want to teach them some values and life skills.
We can't teach them not to give up or keep trying just thru talking about it but thru real life experiences.
Some lessons/ values we learnt today.
1. Take small steps for a start.
2. Try and not give up.
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