Thursday, December 10, 2009


Since late last year, we were given XC's portfolio. it consist of some sample of her EL, Maths and CL work. There were also comments on the work samples by the individual teacher. With portfolio, it also came with a cd. Inside there were pics and some remarks by the teachers. It was a simple but we thought it was good effort by the school. At least I know more about XC's behaviour in school. Below is one of the best slide in the cd. Now I know why her nickname is Miss Giggle in school.

'Xiao Ci displays high level of involvement in self-chosen activites. After her attempt on the "Cargo Net" yesterday, Xiao Ci was very enthusiatic and kept saying that she wanted to try out the "Flying Fox" activity.
She was full of excitement while getting all geared up in her harness, rearing to go. She shouted out 'Whee!' and was giggling happily as she flew down.'

The last part below here is where I am most proud of and happy with. We can have kids with A1 or A stars results. But if they are rude and have low EQ, then i would rather not have a smart kid. Characters are difficult to develop and it takes time. Thou she is not the smartest child who can read confidently or do P1 Maths but she has good character. (PS : if only she can be less naggy. haha...)

'Xiao Ci is well-liked by her classmates as she has compassion for her peer and others. She treats other students with fairness and understanding. She came to the rescue of one of her classmates and said indignantly, "Hey You are not supposed to shoot at your friends." and happily skipped off to continue playing.'


Dadaluff said...

i agree. I also hope I can bring up my girl well... :)

xiaoci_mama said...

can can. As long we are taking time and teaching them the right values.

kkf said...

xiaoci is really a well behaved girl whom you can be very proud of.

xiaoci_mama said...

thanks kkf,i'm sure dash & violet can do that too!